AnyChart JS Charts and Dashboards 7.9.0 Details

Publisher Description

Window 10 CompatibleAnyChart is a robust and superfast JavaScript charting library to add great-looking, interactive HTML5 charts into any project, in any browser, and on any platform/OS including mobile ones. AnyChart provides advanced customization and flexibility opportunities, no matter if you are developing a website, a business intelligence application (BI) for corporate usage, or some software for your clients. Our JavaScript API makes it possible for you to create even big data based charts in real time, with continuous updates and multi-level drill-downs. Moreover, whatever server platform or database you use in your project, AnyChart is ready to fulfil your dream to surprise your customers with amazing informative JS charts and dashboards regardless of device - on Macs, laptops, PCs, smartphones, and tablets. AnyChart provides scatter, line, bar, area, waterfall, spline, funnel, bubble, polar, column, columnrange, pie, box plot, angular gauge, areasplinerange, and lots of other sorts of charts available separately and in combination. In a nutshell AnyChart HTML5 chart library's advantages boil down to the following: * building charts and dashboards on the fly; * drill-down; * chart export; * interactivity; * multiple axes, and much more to create interactive JS data visualization in/for any projects.

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